My girl and our story

Yes I have a girl. And she is mine! and I am hers too! Don’t get it wrong, not a girl baby or something.. lol.. She is my significant half.. a lil background.. First met her was in a youth fellowship bout two years ago.. She was then just back for a short holiday and decided to come along to youth, or maybe her sister dragged her along. My first impression of her was, she is shy! i had that impression cause she seems to be like ‘hiding’ a lil behind her sis, and cause she doesn’t speak much too then. Had always thought she was the younger sister.. Probably from her innocent looks and shyness and somehow look younger la.. heh

anyways, that was first time meeting her then la. din talk much to her too.. probably like small intro.. next seen her was after she graduated and came back for good, which was few months after that.. and to my surprise, she’s attending the same CG as me! i’ve been in the cg for say two years? so was quite surprised when got to see her in cg then. It was the cg she was initially attending before flying off for studies previously..

at the beginning, didn’t really talk to her much too even in cg, but probably get to know more of her when interacting in group and also when time of sharing.. and later on, she somewhat gave me her number when i asked for it (was for some other purpose, not to court her).. but yah later on i guess we manage to message each other a lil, then more, and more… and it is how it all began! our friendship i mean…

cutting the long story short, it’s almost a year now that we got together! wowww time sure flies! but yes we have indeed done much together! spent much time together, knowing each other more, knowing our behaviours, our siao kuans, our sillyness, sharing our love for kids, sharing our love for God, sharing our burdens, our dreams, and each other’s life!

i could say, i found someone who can be as siao as me, someone who can tolerate all my nonsense and still love me, someone who sees all the faulty in me yet accepts me, someone who sees my dreams and encourages me, someone who lifts me up when i’m down, a girl who is bubbly, lovely, cutie pie, good fashion sense, accepts my kind of humor…… someone who i would wanna spend my future with!

Here is Sze Huey aka Esther! love you much!





an update!

hey there whoever that still bother to come around!

been really bad at updating.. i guess more specifically it is a problem of discipline! have been pondering on this issue of self-discipline lately. and it is quite apparent in many areas of my life.. hence, i’ve made a resolution to improve in this. it’s hard, but yea hopefully can come out of this.

so how am i? i am well (not sick). On a more serious note, I guess I was a lil stuck in my career path for a few months.. always been preaching about financial freedom.. maybe got caught in it a little too much. having too high hopes (i guess nothing wrong with having high hopes).. having too big of a dream (nothing wrong with having too big of a dream too!).. but i guess they have to be matched up to reality?

reality is i’m barely just surviving for now.. made enough to be able to get through my days. but nothing more. big part of it is because of my inactions. for not doing much. for lazing much. for fearing much (nonsense fears laah)

have quite some time to do some self pondering these few months.. which was good i guess.. having time to think through what i really want.. i guess i still want the same things.. i will still continue to dream, continue hoping! Don’t know if you know what my dream is. Let me just state it here. I’m retiring at age of 30! Not retiring and doing nothing la.. but retiring and do the things i want to do when i want to, and probably will still ‘work’, but in my own terms.. A very big dream eh? Anyone wanna come on board?

whatever i am doing now is for heading towards that direction. but i guess i got too ahead of myself. in the sense that living that way now though not able to yet. i guess i’ve now woken up.. I’m gonna work my ass off in this five years.. and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to retire by 30..  Had recently write in to apply for a position in IBM as a junior financial analyst, much related to what i studied. and it’s the only ad that really caught my attention. Hope can get the interview and the job lah.. But at the side, I will still continue do what i used to do.. Mostly won’t give immediate significant results, but over time it could be something..

that’s as much for now about my career side of things… Now to a more important area that i wanted to blog about actually.. haha.. detoured much.. come to think of it, I’ll write that in another post.. wanna dedicate specially for her!